Monday, April 4, 2011

Charcoal Monday


  1. Aw... Thank you! Thank you! Ok, settle down now.
    *Nico Morley continues to chant*
    I said settle down!
    *Nico Morley, overcome with enthusiasm, hurls half-eaten hoagie at computer screen and continues to chant*

    Oh, I do love my fans. I promise to thank you in my Oscar/Grammy/Emmy/Tony speech.

  2. This is what happens when you get to know me better and we collaborate on a project. I turn into a fucking idiot every time I get near you. It's only one of my many charms. I've spent the day glaring at our other co-conspirator, probably just because I have the eyebrows for it.

    I've mentioned I hate artistic talent, right? Yes, I have. I can't draw.

  3. Yes, maybe you can glare him into reviewing a movie... I'd love to see what he thinks of, say, "The Room".

  4. I can't take you seriously in those shades.

  5. Wow, this is really great. I love the shading on her eyes and mouth

  6. N.M.- I wear these fantastic designer sunglasses because I was tragically born with only one eye located on the back of my neck. These glasses hide the empty cavities where they should be. You should not only take me seriously, but feel sorry for me, as the only way I can possibly see the world is to cut this gorgeous hair of mine.

  7. Am I misled, or am I being talked about here? I feel like I'm the co-conspirator being glared at in this scenario.

    MWB, did you draw that fantastic Story image currently residing to the right of your blog posts; the one with the beautiful axe^2 that I colorfully described in the story? If so, I am so impressed.

    mwb, I think you're simply amazing either way.

  8. Why yes, yes I did do the drawing. You are too kind.
    Ever seen "the room"?

  9. This is my favorite charcoal so far!
