Thursday, February 24, 2011


Well, after writing for a local paper for almost two years, I finally realized that it was time to call it quits. In deciding the title of my last article, I turned to the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotes of all time. It was difficult ruling out no. 1 and no. 19 and even no. 25 before resorting to the generic line that graces the top of the article below.

Click image to enlarge

*No, the Celluloid Kitchen is not going anywhere.


  1. oh my! we will miss you dearly! your reviews were such an incentive to open your blog and see a movie!
    thanks for your hard work and your efforts! Now, on to bigger (not necessarily better!) things!

  2. I'm not quitting the blog... just the paper. Hopefully I can spend more time reviewing movies for the blog rather than being bogged down by the paper.

  3. Gave me a scare, there.

    More for us followers, though. : )

  4. Change is good. Many people don't realize it. New beginnings for you are ahead :)

  5. Yes, it was time for a change. There is only so much you can give to one place.

  6. scared me for a second there!
    PS, sappy endings are where it's at.

  7. Mwahahaha (diabolical laughter)
    If there's one thing I love more than a sappy ending it's an unexpected plot twist.

  8. I am going to assume that this has everything to do with pouring The Room into your eyes, against my advice.

  9. I actually changed my mind about seeing it but then I forgot to move it down on the Netflix queue and it got here today... whoops!
    Guess I have no choice but to watch it!

  10. We own it. Remember that as you're watching it. Well, as much as you can get through of it.
