Monday, November 8, 2010

The Jet Lag Post

A view of the Tour Eiffel from the tour bus

No, I have not become a fringe monk, devoting my life entirely to the movies, never leaving the theater for fear of soiling my purely cinematic experience. In fact, the call of Paris has left me movie-celibate for ten days and jet lag has kept me bed ridden for longer. It won't be long now before I dig into my pile of airport chocolate, frame all my posters of Jane Avril and the Mona Lisa, and post a brilliantly thrilling update on my travels. A bientot!


  1. Honestly, my internet blog experience was just a little less sparkly while you were away. If you tell anyone I said this, I will deny it.

  2. what a great blog!
    here is so many inspirations,

    have a nice time,
