Monday, March 28, 2011

What Do You Get When You Cross A Baby, A Convict, And A Thesaurus?

             Far be it for me to scrutinize those who venerate the more ostentatious calibers of the English vernacular. But when it obstructs a congregation’s ability to assimilate the true intentions of a fabrication… well, that’s just plain bad writing.
            “Raising Arizona” is the better aspects of the later works of the Cohen Brothers all lumped together in one movie proving that chocolate, bacon and Pringles- individually delicious as they may be- do not make a good casserole. In other words, too much of several good things is hardly ever great.
            Here we have all of what would later become the Cohen Brothers usual suspects: dialogue that sounds like it was scraped off the tongue of an eighteenth century Alabaman lawyer, slapstick black comedy, a bounty of colorful characters, a madcap heist plot, and John Goodman. Every one of these aspects is trying to one-up all the others and what results is a movie more confusing than even the Cohen bros. most incomprehensible con stories.
            Holly Hunter and Nicholas Cage star as Hi (Cage) and Ed (Hunter). The former is a two-bit thief who falls in love with Ed, a police woman who takes his mugshots. They marry and decide to start a family but as “biology conspired to keep them childless” and Hi’s criminal record is longer than his hair, rendering them unable to adopt, they have no choice but to kidnap one of the famed “Arizona Quints” based on the logic that five babies is more than any one couple can handle.  
            At first, the movie wants to be a zany character piece, scooped from the trailer homes and convenience stores of Southern U.S. Then it switches gears and becomes a dangerously screwball comedy when Hi’s oafish (yet eloquent) prison buddies set up camp in the new family’s home. Then it wants to be an action flick with a chase scene involving a naive truck driver, a package of Huggies, and a Rottweiler in one of those gags that never fails to crop up in chase sequences that need a bit of forced comic relief. There is also a puzzling subplot that somehow manages to make its way into the limelight of the movie’s main storyline involving a grizzly bounty hunter who looks threatening enough until we hear him speak in a stuffy twang that is due to his apparent lack of nostrils.
            There is so much stuff being flung about in this movie, the fact that this bunch of folks are stupid enough to invite company over to see their newly kidnapped baby before they even think of a decent name or rid their house of bundt cake guzzling escapees… yet speak using words like “recognizance” and phrases like “ply her feminine wiles” is laughable- though not in the way intended.
            Of course, The Cohen Brothers went on to dissect the tangled mess that is “Raising Arizona” and grow films like “Fargo”, “The Big Lebowski”, and “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” using the seeds of brilliance found therein, thus proving that although credulousness and inexperience may have initially deemed their work asinine, maturity and fortitude were able to play a hand in conceiving their latter works of proficiency.


  1. I sort of watched it late, late, one night. I agree, Just too much.

    They definitely learned their craft.

  2. I thought there was something wrong with me because I didn't LOOOOOOOVE this movie as much as everyone else. Whew.

  3. T- That's probably the best way to watch it... half asleep.

    N.M.- There are people who LOOOOOOVE this movie? Are they motorcycle riding warthog-men or unpainted furniture salesmen? I'm a Cohen Bros fanatic and even I hated it.

  4. I really like how your writing is so straight-forward

    In response to your comment
    I use Windows Movie Maker, but I think I found the solution to my problem. So I'm going to try to play around with it tomorrow and hope that it works

  5. Ah... Windows movie maker.
    I used that to edit my footage when I came back from Paris and it was a NIGHTMARE. Really slow... wouldn't let me import new media etc. Of course it also depends on the type of computer you have and how much stuff you are trying to edit.
    My latest project was pretty monstrous so I used Vegas movie studio which was unbelievable. If you are wanting to do any serious movie editing, I highly recommend it.

  6. I'm just going to go ahead and stop you right there and argue that bacon, chocolate and pringles sounds like an EXCELLENT casserole just waiting to happen.

  7. And I am going to argue back that I was clearly referring to original flavor pringles which would obviously neither contrast nor complement the bacon's salty nature thereby overpowering the flavor of chocolate (which is milk chocolate, by the way.)
    Had I been talking about semisweet chocolate (with a cacao percentage between 50% and 60%) and either cheddar or pizza flavored pringles, which would generously add to the overall flavor medley, your point might have been halfway valid.
